Yva Kristiana Caces

Yva is a senior and a second year member of Apache News. In her first year, she developed an affinity for story producing and anchoring live shows. She focuses on Apache News’ hardest hitting and most serious news stories from political and economic crises to sexual misconduct awareness. Yva is also a dedicated two-year member of Arcadia High School’s Pep Flags Squad. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, going on food adventures, and running a small crinkle cookie business. Yva’s biggest passion outside of Apache News is Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). She is skilled in numerous arts including TaeKwonDo, Muay Thay, boxing, wrestling, and is an avid competitor on the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu scene, winning titles such at the National and International Championship, and UAEJJF National Championship. Yva plans to attend a 4-year university to study international business and economics or cinema.